Public policies and incentives to restore

Public policies and incentives to restore

Our efforts support the development and implementation of the National Restoration Policy and the creation of State Environmental Compliance Programs (PRAs). The projects work on scale in the biomes and in partnership with the federal government, building favorable legislation and financing conditions so that the restoration agenda can take place. The work is directly related to the goal to mitigate climate change (Brazilian NDC), with the restoration of 12 million hectares by 2030 as one way to achieve that.

The Brazilian government created the National Policy for the Restoration of Native Vegetation (PROVEG), enacted on January 1st, 2017. TNC helped formulate the law and the national plan (PLANAVEG) and was elected as one of the four civil society institutions to compose the National Committee for the Recovery of Native Vegetation (CONAVEG). Recently, TNC was chosen as the institution that should lead the monitoring of the PLANAVEG in the CONAVEG.
